Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Cuttings - A History

The Cutting early 1970s
Marshall House on right

This article will highlight The Cutting as it was pre-Cork Macroom railway line , it's heyday in the 1950s and its eventual demise from the 1980s on. Many thanks to Mary Walsh and the late Ann O'Neill ( n. Sisk ) for their invaluable contributions in making much of this possible.

The Cutting aerial view 1951 boundary

The 3 numbered maps below show the study area both before and after the creation of The Cutting. Of interest is the Togher Road as it was 2 centuries ago and the structures which were demolished during the building of the Cork Macroom railway line and the addition of newer homes in the following years.

 Map No.1

1841 Map showing study area pre-Railway Line

The above map shows the study area in 1841. The Macroom Railway line did not pass through Togher until circa 1865 when The Cutting was created. Note however that Deanrock Villa and its adjoining cottages were already in situ as was the site of the future Marshalls house ( old house demolished to build new 2 storey house in late 1920s? ) and the future Mary Walsh's cottage. One residence just past the Deanrock Villa cottages was demolished as was a residence in the field opposite. ( Map outlining plot numbers of Griffith's Valuations from 1847 – 1864 namechecks original occupants of extant houses and more importantly houses which were demolished to create The Cutting ).

Griffith's Valuations Plot Numbers

Griffiths Valuations 1847-1864

The above map shows houses of original occupants of study area before The Cutting was created. Plot numbers which went on to be included in The Cutting are 21 , 22 , 16 and 23 ( south of future railway line which was included to show impact on local terrain and existing housing stock ). 2 houses left and right of the southern embankment would be demolished to facilitate the railway bridge and railway track.

Original Occupants
Pre - The Cutting

Landlord - Elizabeth Barter

Plot 21 - Maurice Mahoney
Plot 21 - Daniel Sullivan

Plot 22 - Mary Long
Plot 22 - Jeremiah Shea - sublet by Mary Long

Plot 16 - John Kelleher
Plot 16 - Joseph Shea - sublet by John Kelleher

Landlord - Mary Breton

Plot 23 - William Bateman - Deanrock Villa
Plot 23 - Eugene Sullivan - sublet by William Bateman

William Bateman also leased plot 24 which is the present day St. Finbarrs playing fields.

* Of interest is Plot 62 , the present day Coffey's Field which saw the demolition of the residence of tenant - Margaret Murphy sold by compulsory purchase order by the representatives of absentee Landlord Geo Piggott. This was to facilitate the construction of the southern portion of the railway embankment*

 Map No.2

1900 Map showing The Cuttings now in place

The above map shows The Cutting in place circa 1900. Besides adding an embankment to allow locals to walk over the Macroom Railway line , the company also built 2 railway cottages whose small back yards fronted onto the line. Note also the new school in neighbouring Lehenaghmore which was built in 1891. Of particular interest is the fact that Barrs Lane had no cottages at that point in time.

 Map No.3

1950 Map of The Cutting

The above map from 1950 shows the addition of 4 more residences between Deanrock Villa cottages and the 2 Railway cottages. Note also the 6 cottages on Barrs Lane. It is conjectured that the new kids on the block in The Cutting were most probably built circa 1920s.


The Cutting

The Cutting ( as mentioned above ) came into being between 1861 and 1866 when the Cork Macroom Direct Railway line was laid down in Togher. To accomplish this an embankment was created either side of the railway bridge to enable people and horse and carts to travel along the Togher Road. The structures to its western side ; Deanrock Villa and its adjoining workmens cottages were supplemented by 2 new railway cottages and along with Marshall house and its privately owned properties all became known as The Cutting. So it was essentially any residence which was alongside the western side of the embankment. The embankment was fenced on both sides ( using actual rails! ) and had two sets of steps south of the railway line which allowed access both down from and up to the bridge. Access to Marshall house and nearby rented properties was via a natural dirt track laneway. This little community was boosted when in the 1920s , 3 more cottages were built to the west of the 2 railway cottages and the second of Togher's 2 timber built homes ( the other being Birdie Buckley's on the corner of Hangdog Road ) completed the line up. This would remain the situation until the late 1960s.

Lifting tracks in 1955

( South of railway track )

The Cutting was bookended by Deanrock Villa to its south and Marshall house to its north. Today these are the only extant structures still in place. All else has been demolished. Below is a list of the residents and some backstory and selected anecdotes.

Deanrock Villa

Deanrock Villa was the home of Con the Tacker a.k.a. Con the Yank as he had spent a long time in America. The 3 workmens cottages which were adjoined to his property were used initially by the employees who worked his dairy farm but he would over time rent them out. His wife also ran a tuck shop next to the school house. Con ran a coal business and his 2 horses knew their way out from town without any prompting.

Deanrock Villa ( renovation ) & demolition
of adjoining cottages September 1968

View of The Cutting early 1970s

Workmens Cottages ( adjoined )

1st house - home to the Sextons ; born in Doughcloyne and  related to Mossy  Sexton who was a land Stewart for the Sarsfields.

2nd house - home to the Sullivans - from Macroom ; Elly Hourigan ( m.Ted Murray - co-founder of Togher A.C. ) moved in mid 1960s. She originally came from Kelly's Lane ( modern day Willow Place ).

3rd house - home to Paddy Cronin *

Aerial view 1971
Centre Right shows new carpark ,
Dalys , Madden & Cronin Cottages
Sisk , Nyhan & Cronin terrace
Walsh & Marshall ( north of line )

Railway Cottages

These were built by the Macroom railway company for its employees. However over time they were let out to families.

1st railway cottage - Hank Cronin - brother to Paddy Cronin *

2nd railway cottage - O'Connors/Madden.

O'Connors - Their cottage was butted right up to the railway bridge. It is not known if they were the original occupants as the railway employee for whom it and its neighbour were initially constructed for may have passed on or moved out. Mary Walsh recalls 2 boys Derry and Michael. One day they were cutting hedges for the Marshalls and nearly cut Marys finger off. They moved out early 1960/61


Hannah Madden - She moved in circa 1961. Mary recalls a story Hannah related to her when one night after coming home from a night of drinking she was awoken by an almighty racket in her kitchen. Getting out of bed to investigate she saw bottles of beer being chased around her kitchen by tiny policemen! Whether this was an actual occurrence or the result of an overactive imagination has been lost to history. Hannah was the frequent object of unwanted attention by local lads who would taunt her. One day she fired back with the immortal words : " Go away or I'll break your face with a kiss! "

3 New Cottages

View from car park early 1970s

As mentioned previously ( see maps above ) , 3 new cottages were erected close to the railway line circa 1920s , though may have been earlier. Over time , the owners embellished them by adding second floors or converting to dormer bungalows. In addition a timber built house was erected south of the original railway cottages.

1st House
- home to the Sisks. Ann O'Neill : " My mum left in 1981 after selling to the Corporation. She was the last resident of The Cutting. The house was demolished shortly thereafter. " Ann ( m.O'Neill ) Sisk's story is told here.

2nd house - home to the O'Sullivans/Nyhans/Spillanes.  

*O'Sullivans - They were a family of 9.

*Nyhans - moved in early 1962/4

*Siobhan Spillane : " We bought the house from the Nyhans circa 1977/78. We were however denied permission to renovate it. The Corporation eventually bought it on 18th January 1980. "

3rd House - home to the Cronins.

Daly's Cottage

Daly's cottage came into being circa 1920s and was the second timber built structure in the immediate vicinity , the other being Birdie Buckley's on the corner of Hangdog Road. Mr. Bill Daly was a founder member of Togher A.C. with Ted Murray and Mr. Morgan. * The Daly cottage was the epicenter of Togher pirate radio back in the early 1980s.  ****janette and pat siblings.....The son Micky Daly ran a local radio station called Radio Caroline from a caravan on site and attracted all the local talent from the area , including Trevor Welch , later to become better known as a sports presenter on TV3 and even drew the attention of future correspondent Paul Byrne. More luminaries from near and far had their start at Daly's ( read more here! ). In common with others , they moved out of The Cutting circa 1983 to a little cottage on Barrs Lane.

( North of railway track )

The land north of the railway line was owned by the Marshalls and they let out several small cottages to various residents over the years.

Marshall House

Home to the Marshall family up to the early 1980s , it is now a Vets. The Marshalls are absent on the 1901 Census but do appear on the 1911 Census , so it is during that decade that they purchased the land which stretched from the corner of Barrs Lane down to the railway track. Tommy Marshall , head of the house was a market gardener and builder , he also kept greyhounds. He had one daughter Mary Rose. His wife was Joan Sullivan from Ballygarvan and she ran a small cafe in town called The Cozy Kitchen. * Mrs. Marshall , Tommy's mother lived in what would become the Walsh house while the big house was being built in the early 1930s. * Mary Walsh often picked cabbages for the Marshalls and cleaned their house. She remembers polishing Mrs. Joan Marshalls hallway entrance which was tiled and being told to put a good shine on it to impress calling guests.

The Cutting ( looking south ) early 1970s
Marshall house on right

Walsh house

aerial view 1971
Marshall house and Walsh house ( N. of old railway line )
& Madden and Cronin cotttages , Dalys & Terraced houses
( S. of old railway line )
Note new car park

Home to the Walsh family from late 1930s to 1968. Their story is told here
 ** There were also 2 other small cottages past the Walsh house lived in by the Shanahans and Roches. * Mary's brother Michael was good friends with Michael Shanahan and the standing joke was sending each other christmas cards saying " from Micka to Micka ". There was also a small club house where locals would play cards , darts and rings. This leafy bower in time would become a well used shortcut for children going to and from school. **

Post - The Cutting

Hannah Maddens cottage demolished ( on right ) 1975
Child in photo unknown

The Cutting , as mentioned previously came into existence during the construction of the Cork Macroom Direct Railway which was completed in 1866. However by 1968 , that sleepy hamlet in the heart of Togher would begin to change , slowly at first , then more rapidly so that by 1975 , all but a few remnants of this once cozy nucleus were gone. The process started when Murphy's brewery purchased Deanrock Villa in 1968 and besides upgrading it , also demolished the workmens cottages nearby to expand the new Pub and build a car park.

Removal of Bridge 1975
& alignment of Togher Road

1975 saw the demolition of the Railway bridge and the removal of the embankment which gave The Cutting it's name and identity. The main Togher Road was now aligned again for the first time in almost 109 years! Soon after Cork Corporation put in place offers to the remaining residents to leave which was accomplished by 1981.

Dismantling of bridge as seen from embankment 1975

Removal of embankment 1975
Looking towards school & church

Complete removal of bridge & embankment early 1976
Looking towards corner of Tramore Road

Newly re-aligned Togher Road 1977
Note Daly's cottage beyond Deanrock pub

Re-aligned Togher Road early 1980s
Note former site of The Cutting centre left of photo
*Site fenced off

South Ring Road nearing completion late 1993

Mary Walsh and her parents had already moved out of The Cutting in 1968 to Pouladuff Road ( photo below ). They lived in the corner house just off Edward Walsh Road which was one of a block of 3 houses that were originally builders offices during the housing schemes nearby in the early 1960s. The Walsh's moved in to the first house on the corner with Mary ( she would babysit for the Welchs on Edward Walsh Road including future sports presenter Trevor Welch! ) , who married in 1974 and moved out to Kinsale. The Meaghans ( not from Togher ) lived in the middle house while Paki Cronin , his wife Noreen and their three kids from Deanrock Terrace lived in the third house.

Mr. & Mrs. Walsh formally of The Cutting
New house on Pouladuff Road 1968

The Marshalls had already begun selling off land and in 1971 a power plant was built on their land supplying electricity to the hundreds of new homes in Deanrock. The early 1990s saw the Marshalls gone out of Togher and the completion of the South Ring Road through the former Cuttings , forever erasing their existence. A new concrete overpass was built to facilitate pedestrians and traffic. Bar the former Deanrock Villa , now a pub and the Marshall house , now a vets , The Cutting is no more. The old Marshall land is now an Industrial Park but the ghosts of The Cutting are said to still be there if you know where to look and if you listen hard enough.


The blog and Togher Historical Association in addition to its own independent research would like to thank the late Ann Sisk and especially Mary Walsh for sharing their knowledge of old Togher.

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