Monday, January 18, 2016

N.B.A. Flats - Deanrock Estate Documentary - Accommodating Togher

N.B.A. Flats Togher 2005

Back in 2005 shortly before demolition of the N.B.A. Flats , Frameworks Films made a documentary centred on Deanrock but largely based on the then situation as it pertained to the Flats. Some fascinating insights from the then residents and a wonderful time capture of a housing scheme that is no more. The Blog would like to thank the filmmakers and the O'Riordan Family for permission to showcase this video which is unique in that it truly encapsulates the spirit of Togher and its people. A perfectly crafted time capsule for all local historians.

Accommodating Togher - Frameworks Films © 2005

To view video in full screen simply click on symbol at bottom right of player window. 

The N.B.A. Flats are discussed in more detail in this other article on the blog which covers some of its history with rare photographs and a video of its demolition.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Mary O'Riordan - Big Houses of Togher

 Mary O'Riordan - Deanrock Est. Togher

Almost 2½ years ago at the Togher Historical Assoc.'s Open Day in the Community Centre ( see here ) , Mary O'Riordan contributed several handouts which dealt with various historical topics for the general public to take away and peruse at their own leisure. The information was garnered from Mary's research into the books of Richard Henchion and Pat O'Keeffe and greatly simplified for easy access to those who would not normally read an historical article. Below are the full scans of just one of her handouts which dealt with the former Big Houses of Togher , going back many centuries. Sadly most are now gone. All in all a nice souvenir of the day for the casual  historian and curious reader. 

Page 01

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Togher National Schools - Restorative Works 1995

In 1995 , during the Summer Holidays , major reconstruction and restorative works were undertaken on Togher National Schools by several contractors and supervised by Con Sheehan of the Board of Management. Aside from a complete recovering of all roofs , extensive work was carried out inside the buildings most notably on the Girls School side. This entailed excavating floors and rendering walls due to poor cement which had resulted in cracks and fissures appearing which were exacerbated by spring storms resulting in one classroom being abandoned during school term. The 1983 School Extension was refitted with a pitched roof for added safety against inclement weather.

Builder and materials atop school roof

Builders Bill and Noel taking a well earned rest 
after completion of works in classroom

Reinforcing foundations of building

Drilling out old cement

Rubble infill prior to covering with concrete 

Classroom converted into builders yard

Supports for upstairs classroom during construction

The roofs of the Boys School were refurbished by Murphy and O'Sullivan who also installed a new pitched roof over the 1983 extension with the Girls School being done by Keohanes of Aherla. The job of restoring the ground floors of both schools went to Bowen Construction. This mammoth task in 1995 was the third of three undertaken on the site ; the other two being the School Extension in 1983 and of course the initial construction of the Schools themselves in 1971.

Builder with wheelbarrow in corridor

Classroom reinforced with girders for safety

Mrs. O'Sullivan in Classroom prior to floor being
infilled with concrete and sealed

Floor being rendered with concrete

Ms. O'Sullivan and Principal Mrs. O'Sullivan

Classroom ceiling prior to fitting of tiles

Replacing ceiling tiles after electrical work

Past Pupil Rachel O'Meara recalls : " there were a number of terrible storms and the extension roof sprung a leak , the first classroom of the extension ( on the right as you go in ) was completely destroyed. While the repair work was going on the class was shoehorned into the computer room where they would stay for a couple of months until the extension classroom was fixed. "
Ex-Principal Elizabeth Murphy Sheehan informed the blog : " ... the building had a number of cracks due to poor cement. The downstairs middle section had to be strengthened by girders and new construction ... There was a special Mass to bless the renovations in late September I think. "

Panoramic view of Togher Schools

Topside view of roofs under repair

Snapshot of builders with scaffolding in situ

Teetering on the parapet of Togher School

Drilling rain runoffs in roof

Builder surveying the locality of Togher

Newly finished covering for roof of Girls School

 Special thanks to Principal Ms. Driscoll for loan of photo portfolio and to Kathleen O'Keeffe of Togher Historical Assoc. for delivery of same to blog.