News Brothers Limited was a wholesale news agent and distributor which began life in Cork City on 20 Bowling Green Street circa 1900 before finally settling in their last premises on SiteCast Industrial Park in Togher in the 1970s and ultimately dissolving on 24/07/2013. Many local people from the Togher region were employed there up until its closure a few years ago. Situated quite literally over the dividing wall next to Greenwood Estate ( accessible from Pouladuff Road ) , it provided not only all the local corner shops , Post Offices and Newsagents with a daily delivery of comics and broadsheets , but most of the greater Cork district as well.
News Bros site as seen in October 2013
On October 13th 2013 . the Togher Historical Assoc. visited the site ( see photo above ) to photograph it for posterity acting on information that it was soon to be demolished. It should be noted that the premises also boasted its own petrol pumps and employed many local people from Togher. It is still fondly remembered to this day. * Staff photographs shown below courtesy of Noel Kelleher *
Staff in Canteen
Staff in dispatch Department

Staff in Dispatch Department

Staff in Dispatch Department
New premises EPH on the site of News Bros.
Eamonn Pearse : " My
own late Mum worked there in the canteen for many years. I remember she
would bring me to work with her when I was too sick to go to school. I
was very young at the time and have a very hazy memory of the place.
Only they had a telephone in the canteen and the staff used to ring me
for a chat on it as I had never used a phone before. I remember them being very friendly there unlike a lot of the other places she worked in. "
Veronica Creamer : " My mam worked there in the 80s - Mary Creamer was her name. My cousin was also there , her name is Mary Creamer-Hallahan. "
Theresa Morey : " It
was a fabulous place to work in , best place ever , lots and lots of memories , great group of people
working there. I came from Earlwood Estate originally. "
New premises EPH on the site of News Bros.
I habe been worked there too.
Good Time. :-)
Hi Marcin B , were you from Togher? Would you like to share your memories of your time there?
Hey I joined News Brothers in 1971 and retired in 2000.I worked with some wonderful people in those 29 years. It would be lovely to have a reunion. Gerry Mulholland
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