Sunday, February 22, 2015

9th Fieldwork Trip - 8th February 2015 - 02 / 02 - Southern Fruit , Kelly's House & Woulfe House

The team then departed The Mountain ( see Part 01 ) and set off for Southern Fruit in Lehenaghmore. Rumours had been circulating online that the famous Togher outlet had been closed down suddenly and unexpectedly. What greeted them confirmed their suspicions as the yard was locked up and all signage had been removed. A sad end to a Togher institution!

Southern Fruit now sadly closed down!

Southern Fruit in all its glory circa 2011

Whilst in the vicinity a photo opportunity presented itself in the form of the extant front wall of the old Lehenaghmore House. The outline of a doorway and possible window cold be found in the old stonework with the top layer reconstituted at some time in the recent past. Parts of the original orchard walls are still to be found in the neighbouring Palmbury Estate.

Front facing wall of old Lehenaghmore House

Kelly's House off  Matthews Hill ( next to O'Neills residence on corner ) was next on the Teams call sheet. The now abandoned homestead , formerly a Labourer's Cottage , is barely visible from the road. The house itself is reached via a dirt track with a steep gradient which is heavily overgrown by trees and brambles. Research is ongoing as to the occupants. The structure itself is in a derelict state but still hints at its former rustic setting , which although now in ruins , is still peaceful and serene.  Another trackway leads off to the left of the Cottage where it is believed 2 other derelict Cottages are in situ.

 Barely visible off Matthews Hill

 Dirt trackway leading up to Kellys House

 Gable end of Cottage

 Rear view of ivy covered Cottage

 Old style outside toilet

 Alternate view of gable end of Cottage

Angled shot of Kelly Household

The last stop of the day was prompted by Kathleen O'Keeffe who informed the rest of the team that the old Woulfe Residence had been recently demolished. Turning in off Ardcahon into Woulfe's Lane confirmed her suspicions. Not only had the old homestead ( see house in its pre - demolition state in October 2014 ) been reduced to a pile of debris , but in front of it , three new houses had been erected , phoenix like , from the foundations which had been photographed only 5 months earlier! This is part of the ongoing Private Housing scheme initiated by Ruden Homes Ltd.

 Woulfe House sadly now demolished

3 new houses in background running adjacent 
to site of former Woulfe House

All in all , a good day's work had been undertaken in a couple of hours in viewing the ever changing landscape of Togher , which is progressing at an alarming rate. The team were already planning their next Fieldwork Trip! To read reports on all previous on the ground Trips , click on the title " Fieldwork " under Labels on the main page.

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