Monday, April 22, 2019

Joe Murphy Meeting - Future Plans

On Monday Afternoon 22nd April 2019 the Togher Historical Association paid a visit to the home of Shirley Kelleher and family to discuss future plans to celebrate the life of one of Togher's forgotten heroes - Joe Murphy. Following the official awarding of the War of Independence Medal to the Kelleher family on behalf of the Delaney and Murphy families and indeed all descendants of Joe Murphy in May 2019 , it is hoped to organize a parade from Joe Murphy House along Pouladuff Road and down Tramore Road ( formally Hangdog Road ) and over Togher Overpass to Togher Community Centre , once Joe's school. This would have been the route the young Joe would have taken to his school and so it is felt appropriate to recreate his journey over a Century ago to honour his memory.

Louise Kelleher & Shirley Kelleher
Great Grand Niece & Grand Niece of Joe Murphy

Shirley Kelleher and her daughter Louise were presented with a beautiful portrait of Joe Murphy by the Ballyphehane 1916 Committee showcasing the road named in his honour many years ago. A similar naming ceremony is proposed for the Togher district. It is hoped that funding can be secured for the Centenary celebrations and a combination of Ballyphehane and Togher input considered to highlight the various events planned. Indeed it is also suggested that Togher itself will put forward projects of their own accord.

The Boy From Pouladuff

It is also hoped that local residents in Togher would become involved in the setting up of a Committee to assist in further projects next year to celebrate the Centenary of Joe Murphy's death. A leaflet drop is also proposed to garner interest and galvanize the Togher community at large into recognizing one of its Heroes. Other side projects include the erection of a plaque on the wall of the Community Centre ( old Togher School ) heralding one of its most famous students. Above are shown the lyrics to The Boy From Pouladuff written by John Murphy and sung by Louise Kelleher outside Joe Murphy house during Easter Weekend.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Annual Easter Rising Parade - Joe Murphy House

On Saturday April 20th 2019 , the Ballyphehane 1916/2016 Committee hosted their Annual Easter Rising Parade which commenced outside Joe Murphy House , Pouladuff Road , Togher. Aaron O'Connell gave an oration outside the house after which the Parade formally began. In attendance were various groups including the Ballyphehane Pipe Band and special guests James Connolly Drum & Flute Band from Glasgow. Deputy Lord Mayor Thomas Moloney from Elm Road , Togher participated in the parade acting as Banner holder. Shirley Kelleher also gave a speech outside the home of her Grand Uncle while her daughter sang The Boy From Pouladuff composed by John Murphy. These two pieces will form part of a documentary on Joe Murphy's life in the near future. The Blog would like to thank the Ballyphehane 1916 Committee and Shirley Kelleher for the photos and video of the event.

Aaron O'Connell oration outside Joe Murphy House

Parade forming outside Joe Murphy House

James Connolly Drum & Flute Band from Glasgow

Deputy Lord Mayor Thomas Moloney Togher 
marching through Ballyphehane

Easter Rising Parade outside Joe Murphy House
© Shirley Kelleher

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

New Boundary Extension - May 31st 2019 - Togher

In April , households outside Cork City were posted an information leaflet from Cork City Council outlining the new boundary extension which will come into force on May 31st 2019. It also detailed the transfer of services to the new City Council. The shots below show the leaflet in its entirety. Also included is a full map of the City showing the original boundary and the new extension. In addition , the Blog has zoomed in on the Togher area in general. What can be discerned so far is that Knockalisheen is excluded. Further study on the exact border will need to be undertaken in the near future. However as in the past , any areas of Togher not included in the new Boundary are very much still a part of Togher district.

Cover of leaflet

Interior spread view of leaflet

Back spread view of leaflet

Open view of interior boundary map

Close up view of Togher area affected by Boundary

Preliminary examination of the new Boundary Extension as it pertains to Togher shows that 3 Townlands are still , either partly or wholly in the County. Moving in a southerly direction , Chetwynd is effectively halved - using Maher's Lane as the border between City and County ; Knocknamallavoge and Knockalisheen remain in the County in their entirety. The boundary which skirts these Townlands continues down to Cros na Croha to take in all remaining former County Townlands of Togher including Doughcloyne , Gortagoulane and Lehenaghmore.

Togher region still in County area

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Official Hub Opening - Tory Top Library Ballyphehane

On Saturday 13th April 2019 , the Togher Historical Association were invited to the official opening of the Ballyphehane Digital Historical Pod in Tory Top Library which began at 11 O'Clock and continued for an hour and a half. During the event those attending were shown aspects of local history which also included a section on Togher which showcased its own 1916 commemorations at the Community Centre and promoted the Togher Historical Association. Eamonn Pearse and Kathleen O'Keeffe represented the group and were impressed by the work which went into the whole project.

 Kathleen O'Keeffe at Hub Opening

The Historical Pod was compiled by the Ballyphehane 1916/2016 Commemoration Committee and covers many related topics including the heroes of the War of Independence and the region before 1946 when the various housing schemes were first constructed. The digital pod is very user friendly and highly recommended for anybody with even a passing interest in local history and heritage.


Electronic Interactive Hub

The following shots highlight the entries for the blog of the Togher Historical Association as seen on the digital hub. Opening hours for the Tory Top library are Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 a.m. - 5.30 p.m., with later closing at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesdays (September to June). The Library is closed on bank holiday weekends (Saturday to Monday inclusive). The blog would like to thank Kieran O'Connell for his kind invitation and for his continued support over the last few years.

 Entry for Togher Historical Association

 1916 Commemoration at Togher

Interviews conducted by Pat O'Rourke

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Fellowship House - Official Reopening - 5th April 2019

Commemoration Placue Fellowship House

On Friday 5th April 2019 the Togher Historical Association were invited to the official reopening of the Fellowship House campus off Doughcloyne Hill in Togher. The culmination of two years of extensive work has resulted in a beautiful facility which caters for addiction recovery and support. Finbarr Cassidy who was instrumental in the planning and evolution of the project and who also gave sterling support to the organisation since its foundation in 1989 sadly passed away recently. He was mentioned by all present for his outstanding contribution in this field.

Finbarr Cassidy R.I.P. 
 Manager Fellowship House

To mark the 30th Anniversary since its founding , the staff and invited guests performed a tree planting ceremony in the grounds near the replica Phillipine House , the original which regretfully had to be demolished due to age and decay. John Dennehy of Westside Estate was at hand to partake in the event with Eamonn Pearse videoing the whole affair which is available below.

Management & Dignatories pose with placue

Newly rebuilt Fellowship House Togher

Beautifully planted grounds inside former orchard
Staff & Management prepare for tree planting ceremony

Tree Planting Ceremony Fellowship House Togher

Simon Coveney gave the opening address inside the new build in which he spoke about various social issues which impacted on those suffering from addiction issues. Ciaran O'Driscoll , staff member , videod the entire speech , which is available for viewing below.

 Visitors to the opening ceremony

Visitors to the opening ceremony

 Staff & Local Politicians inside Fellowship House

 Simon Coveney speech inside new Fellowship House
© Ciaran O'Driscoll