To start off the New Year of 2015 with a bang , the Blog decided to conduct an online poll of local residents of the Parish and District on the " I'm From Togher , Boy! " Facebook Group. This fun call out carried one rule - once a person ( either currently resident or ex - pat ) stated their name and their place name i.e. Road , Street , Avenue , Estate etc - it could not be claimed a second time. Soon the race was on between members of the page to quickly stake out their particular place of birth or past abodes. All in all , a very good response which covered almost the entire area of Togher from Ardmanning Avenue right up to Spur Hill giving a fantastic representation of People who lived or still reside on particular thoroughfares. Below the aerial map indicates the areas claimed ( in their entirety ) by respondents with the places highlighted in red. The large red circle indicates a wide area which received most claims with Spur Hill being the furthest south to call back.The blog would like to thank the respondents for their enthusiasm in this first call out to the most important aspect of any Community - its people! Following the map is the actual list of people. See if your name and home is there!

Aerial view of demographics response with
Names and Places listed below
Ann O Callaghan Keating - Patrick O'Donoghue Place
Jacob James - Maple Place
Ber Walsh - Spur Hill
Elizabeth Murphy Sheehan - Manning's Lane a.k.a. Barrs Lane
Karen Houlihan - Deanwood Avenue
Jacinta Hourigan Sullivan - Westside Estate
Leona Murphy - Deanrock Villas
Imelda Twomey Murphy - Tramore Road
Sandra Hurley - Ilen Court
Seamus ÓChoileáin - Hazel Road
Yvonne Quinn - Vicars Court
Pat O'Rourke - Blackwater Grove
Pat Twomey - Fernwood Crescent
Paul Cronin - Deanvale
Denis Kavanagh - Argideen Lawn
Debbie Murphy Burke - Ardmanning Avenue
Sabz Rawley - Elm Road
Aistin O'Loinsigh - Cherry Tree Road
Aidan Fitzpatrick - Woodlawn,Tramore Road
Helen O Sullivan - Ardmanning Beg
Rhonda O Shea - Shournagh Lawn
Patricia Sayedzadeh - Sycamore Place
Patricia Monaghan - Marieville, Off Charles Daly Road
Brian McCarthy - Edward Walsh Road
Angela Mc Sweeney - Patrick Trahy Road
Marc Cotter - Araglen Court
Catriona Dalapo - Market Gardens
Joy Lowther Murphy - Vicar's Road
Linda Lowther Quinn - Araglen Court
Marie O Mahony - Maglin Grove